• (928) 774-7700
  • Info@ComputerRepairFlagstaff.com


Hardware is the tangible part of technology. The parts on the computer that you can see, touch, and inevitably damage in one way or another is the hardware. It consists of the motherboard (main computer), the power supply unit (PSU), removable media devices, secondary storage, and the sound card. The five categories of hardware are:

  • Desktop computers
  • Laptops
  • Servers
  • Computer clusters
  • Mobile computing

Some hardware problems that can occur are ones where something stops working such as the mouse stops moving, monitors can start displaying incorrectly or not display anything at all, or the printer could have a jam or needs a part replacement. There could be an error on start-up, the hard drive can even crash, or the computer might not even turn on due to a hardware problem. These problems can cause major disasters for you or the business.We will work on whatever problem that might happen to you.

We do work on input devices such as keyboards, mice, and scanners. An input device is anything that produces data in the computer. We will also work on output devices. Output devices take data from a computer and produces it into something other than computer information. Monitor displays, printers, and speakers are all examples of output devices that we can work on. We also will work on any storage devices that have any problems.

We are able to handle any hardware problems at Alpine Computer Repair & IT Services.

Alpine Computer Repair & IT Services, LLC
Combined experience of over 30 years. Now that is piece of mind you can TRUST!
Web Design & SEO Marketing

We provide quality computer repair, sales, support and service to Flagstaff, Arizona at affordable rates!
We can meet at our OFFICE! ..or.. We can come to YOU! (928)774-7700

Specialized Services

From HOME to OFFICE computer related services we can handle it ALL. We are a locally owned & operated Flagstaff business. We have a combined talent showcase of over 30+ years of computing know how, we are typically available to help you today.

Ask about our monthly special for super savings you don't want to pass up.

Computer services in Flagstaff are essential to safe computing. We can clean your computer from tracking cookies and spyware/malware at an affordable rate. You will be screaming across the Internet at warp speed when we clean & configure your system to handle the most sophisticated threats on the world wide web.

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